#siff19# - 17 尊滴厉害虽然设定和故事本身就已经足够吸引人了但显然导演也是功不可没节奏太好了(回味了下突然反应过来作为观众的感觉爽是因为全程菜鸟警察视角且菜鸟警察还是个圣人(sort of)啧鸡贼啊
The question of whether or not the film or its characters are actually good Marxists is not only not interesting, but also misguided, since we’re bound to get nowhere with such relationships of subordination: it is the coordination that we must look at instead. Godard doesn’t film “Marxists” or things whose meaning would be Marxism. He makes cinema with Marxism [...] The strength of the film is that it brings together cinema and Marxism by treating those two formulas as two different conceptions of art in general, and hence also of Marxist cinema. -- Jacques Rancière